Sunday 3 November 2013

Windy Weekend Plans

Hello all!

What a storm we are having just now, the winds where we are have been crazy wild over night!  Makes me so glad I'm tucked up warm at home with the kids, though I am feeling sorry for hubby who had to go out in it to work!

Last night while the winds were howling I was working on the Vite Cowl by Kristi Johnson.  I found the pattern on Ravelery. 

I'm not sure if you can see but it will be a cowl scarf made up of leaves when it's finished.  This is my stitch practice run which I have done on size 7 needles, the pattern calls for at least 10s but I couldn't find mine and was desperate to work the pattern out.  This is like the knitting version of a muslin.  Do you do that?  I always do if I intend to make things for gifts as it means I can work out the kinks and saves me ripping out work when I'm making it to give away.  This pattern is going to be used for a couple of Christmas pressies this year.  My practice run won't go to waste though as with it being smaller it should be perfect for Bug.

have big plans for this miserable Sunday afternoon.  Firstly when Mr Smithero finishes work we will be having a nice lunch at home with his Granny and Grandad.  When I say nice lunch I only mean rolls as I'm not exactly the 'hostess with the mostess' but it's the company that matters and they are lovely company.  Today they are bringing old photographs to show us and I hope to hear some stories of their youth which I hope to document for when Bug and Squish are older.  I think it's so important for them to know where they came from, don't you?

Later on in the afternoon I intend to sit down and finally make myself learn to do the dreaded buttonholes!!! 

Photo borrowed from (I intend to use this tutorial for reference) 
For some reason I have shied away from doing these so far even though I know the theory behind both the normal and bound versions I have actively avoided doing them! Until today that is! I will master these you mark my words! They have been my nemesis up til now, what's yours?  I'll be sure to take pics (good and bad) and share soon.

So what are you up to this weekend?

Have a good one and thank you for stopping by, Gem xx

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